Caroline took her daddy to work today! As a 9th grade social studies teacher starting a new unit on Africa, she thought that a lecture and slide show by a World Famous Traveler and Lecturer might be a good way to kick things off. She couldn't find a WFT&L on short notice, so she called on me.
I accepted the challenge, and last night spent several hours editing my 300+ pictures from Zambia down to a manageable number, and putting them in a semi-coherent order. That's when the battle with the Microsoft gods began. Even consultations with a bonafide Microsoft guru

couldn't help me to find a way to save the pictures to a CD in the order I wanted to show them. I ended up renaming each picture numerically and manually so as not to confuse the file sorting capabilities of Windows. Grrrrrr!
In any case, the four shows I gave went off pretty well. The kids were polite and attentive, and oohed and aahed and laughed in the right places. A good time was had by all!