Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Farley Has Landed

2550 miles, 41.8 hours behind the wheel, 122.5 gallons of gas, and 2-1/4 pounds of Spitz sunflower seeds later, I'm back here in Seattle. The mileage works out to about 20.8 miles per gallon, and the seedage (?) works out to about 1133 miles per pound, or for you Canadians out there, 3988 km/kg.

Farley slept most of the way here, so he's busy checking out his new digs and looking for things to chew. Those things can include people's toes and cords plugged into wall sockets. He's obviously got some learning to do, but it seems he's recognizing his name, and he came pretty much house-broken. On balance, I think he's ahead of the curve.

Here's Marian bonding with the new Friesen Family member. He's a lot bigger than I expected him to be, but he's also a bit older than I thought. His birthday is December 26th, so he's already almost 12 weeks old.

Here he is taking a walk at near Mt. Robson.

Correction from last my post via Sarah... I couldn't believe it was four years ago that I was in Zambia for a good reason. It is only three years! And to think I used to be good at math!

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