Sunday, April 27, 2008

Farley the Mountain Dog

Farley went on his first hike yesterday, and contrary to my expectations, he did really well. I was concerned that he'd be a major pain in the butt, but other than a bit of pulling (I wish he would have pulled harder going uphill), he was fine. I think he really liked it, and he certainly got some exercise. When he got home after the four mile round-trip, he curled up and didn't move for a couple of hours.

He certainly is getting big! On his first trip to the vet, he weighed just under 15 pounds. A month later, he's up to about 23! Here he is, with a wine bottle to give you a sense of scale.

He's also changing color! He used to be pitch black, and now his face is getting noticeably lighter. I'll take a series of pictures of him a month apart to see how his color and size change.

And check out the link to Natalie's site. She's a hoot, and makes people laugh whenever she's around. And not only is she fun at a party, but she actually gets up in front of a paying crowd and does stand up comedy on a semi-regular basis! I can't imagine anything more intimidating.

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