I told a partially-reformed ex-smoker friend about the e-cigarette, and he remarked that the only problem is the risk of e-cancer.
Another somewhat minor issue - now along with my cellphone and laptop, I have to remember to plug in my cigarette for charging at night.
Here's a shot of him chomping at the leash.
He's having a great time, getting some good exercise, and actually seems to be better behaved at home. I think the biking is a good way to wring some of the piss and vinegar out of him.
The other night I watched an HBO documentary about Ted Haggard after his fall from the heights of power within the evangelical Christian community. Normally I wouldn't have much sympathy for a faggot-bashing, hypocritical Bible-thumper banished from the church after admitting to drug use and trysts with a gay prostitute. But after watching this documentary, I have to say I wish him well. Even though he was pastor of one of the largest congregations in the States and regularly preached to coliseums full of people, he never enriched himself. When he was fired, he essentially had nothing. He packed up some of his stuff in a U-Haul and headed off to Arizona to stay with friends and good Samaritans. He agreed not to preach, so he tried to get work in various businesses, but what does a disgraced evangelical super-pastor do? He hung flyers on door knobs and sold insurance door-to-door! Oh how the mighty have fallen!
He is a sympathetic character because is openly conflicted about his gay tendencies, and he genuinely seems to be trying to do the right thing by his faith and his family. I have little or no sympathy for his faith, but I have lots of sympathy for him and his family. I wish him well.
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