Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hell in a Handbasket

The seige at the Red Mosque in Islamabad continues; the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is now costing $12B/month; the Iraqi government is failing to reach any of its milestones, and I've just discovered a water leak behind the wall in my powder room. The end is nigh.

I wonder what was going on in the minds of the neocon architects of the war when it started over four years ago, and what's going on now. Did they envision a permanent state of war? Did they envision costs that generations of Americans will have to pay? When they knocked down the hornet's nest in Iraq did they envision a war that would spread from India to Israel? Did they know their key (but reluctant) ally in the region, Pakistan, was an unstable dictatorship on the verge of civil war with its own Islamic fundamentalists? What happens if Musharaf falls and Islamo-fascists take over? They have the bomb. What will India do? Is Cheney really thinking of bombing Iran? That would stabilize the situation. That would show those towel-heads we mean business!

Oh well. All I can do is wear my Life is Good t-shirt and start ripping apart walls to find the source of the water that's starting to seep through my floor before things starts to rot. I wish someone would rip apart the walls of the Bush administration and tear out the source at the rotting core.

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