We got back last night from a great time at the Blues Festival in Port Townsend, and I'm busy with last minute chores before taking off again on my motorcycle to Edmonton for the Folk Music Festival. We had a leisurely trip up to Port Townsend with an overnight stop at a beautiful secluded anchorage at Port Ludlow on the way. Yesterday we were having a leisurely ride back on a gorgeous day, checking out various bays and inlets, until we realized it was starting to get late. Then WaveGuide showed its other side with a quick 20 knot cruise back to Seattle. I think I may have to rethink my plans about selling WaveGuide and buying a sailboat. WaveGuide is fast, beautiful, and comfortable, and there's lots of sailing to be had with friends. Besides, Bonnie's sailboat DragonFly can take us anywhere if we want to be closer to nature.

The view from one of my portholes in Port Townsend.
Edmonton should be lots of fun. Sarah and her boyfriend Alvin are taking a break from Lusaka and are now in Edmonton for a visit. It will be good to see them again after two years. I'll get to check out Mom's new digs, I'll visit with old friends and family, and as an extra added bonus, there will be some good music all weekend.
With some luck, I'll be able to spend some quality time on Marian and Pete's computer and update this blog a bit more regularly than I have lately. Stay tuned.
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