First it was socialized healthcare, then it was gay marriage, now this! This is not The Onion. This is not a joke. This is Canada's national magazine! (If you don't believe me, check out this link http://www.macleans.ca/) Just because the Loonie has reached par with the almighty greenback is no excuse. It's time to knock those pesky Canucks off their high horse(s). Now is the time for all Americans to unite and invade a country that is a far greater threat to freedom loving people everywhere than Iraq ever was. This could happen immediately. No planning is required. The blueprints for invasion are already there. Just watch Canadian Bacon, or South Park (the movie).
The cover story is actually a pretty good one, about how the American forces are now a aligned with the Baathist dead-ender Saddamist thugs from the early days of the invasion. I'm just absolutely amazed that an otherwise rather staid and conservative magazine would actually use this as their cover. I've been out of town (what else is new) for the last few days, but I can well imagine that more than a few on the American right-wing-whacko-lunatic fringe have gone ballastic. But then again, maybe they haven't. I keep forgetting that Canada doesn't really exist in America's mind.
I've been severely remiss in keeping my blog updated this last month. In fact I've been so busy the last while that I can't seem to find the time to write the occasional note. My apologies to all my loyal readers. All three of you.
Bonnie and I just got back from Whistler yesterday. We went up there so I could clean out the owner's closet and say goodbye to the place. It has served me well over the years, but today the sale closes (sale completion, as they say up North), and I'll take the money and run. I'm not sure what I'll do with all those loonies. I've always said I want to die broke, so I may just put the proceeds in my general fund. That would allow me to live a few more years. Or I may buy a more modest place in the Steven's Pass/Lake Wenatchee/Leavenworth area. We'll see.
1 comment:
Walter, walter, walter....
I hope that I am included in your three devoted lunies that keep a breast of your writings...
Glad to hear of your updates..got a few of my own...but in the meantime...I thoroughly enjoy Sarah's...fascinating adventures in SA.....
Hope to have a few of my own soon...but may have to wait out a season....
See you all at the NW Harvest fundraiser I hope!!
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