Monday, September 15, 2008

Back Update

When I did my post yesterday, I forgot to mention that my back is much better. It's still not 100%, but it's a lot better than it was. I even forget about it at times. The only thing that has changed is that, on the advive of the physical therapist, I'm sleeping with a pillow between my legs. None of the doctors I saw were able to give me the definitive diagnosis as to exactly what the problem was. The naturopath doc thought that I suffered from a spasm of the small muscles in my back and the big muscles cramped up in sympathy. His guess is probably as good as any, but who knows? My only hope is that my back continues to improve, and that "throwing my back out" doesn't become a regular thing.

As for my description of the Canadian election and the parliamentary system, one of my readers was kind enough to correct me on a couple of points. He obviously follows Canadian politics more closely than I do, and he pointed out that although most cabinet members are elected, one of Harper's cabinet ministers was not. He also stated that it was likely that Harper would win a majority. I got my information from this polling site. Depending on how you read the projections, it looks like Harper's Conservatives will increase the number of seats, but a majority government is not a sure thing. Thanks for the corrections and comments!

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