Friday, September 5, 2008

Ya Gotta Love It

I did something today that I'd never done before. I bought the latest National Enquirer at the grocery checkout counter. Normally I like to think that I'm above that kind of trash "journalism" but I couldn't resist the headline. It read:

Sarah Palin's
Dark Secrets
-Affair that nearly ruined her career
-How she tried to cover up teen daughter's pregnancy
-Family war that exposed her lies

If these kinds of things keep coming out and turn out to be at least partially true (and surprisingly enough The National Enquirer has a pretty good track record on a story like this), she or someone else is going to have to pull the plug on her candidacy.

I think the Obama campaign should keep quiet about Palin and let her self-destruct. Trash journalism, the blogosphere, and even the MSM will be glad to help her do just that.

The affair that nearly ruined her career was allegedly with her husband's business partner. Coincidentally, that former business partner tried to have his divorce papers sealed, but to no avail. It will be interesting to see what they contain.

I'll keep you posted.

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