I've been boatless in Seattle for the last couple of months while WaveGuide was up in Anacortes getting a fresh paint job. Yesterday, Joe drove me up there so Farley and I could bring the boat back. It was a pretty good day for a boat ride. Intermittent sunshine with ight winds from the NE, and waves no more than a foot or so high. Just crank up the stereo and it doesn't get much better, right? Well, it got a lot better off Point No Point when I ran into a pod of at least a dozen Killer Whales. From a distance, I could see a small boat, and around it were intermittent flashes of spray. I thought someone was out on the sound in a jet ski. As I got closer, I realized the flashes of spray were whales! I changed course so that the whales would be coming toward me, and I wouldn't be looking at the sun while watching the whales. Then a couple of whales appeared right in front of the boat, so I immediately shut down the engines and just drifted. In time, all the whales came my way, with a couple of them no more than twenty feet off my stern! Farley was on his hind legs wondering what the hell was going on. I wish I could have got a shot of him looking at a whale while the whale was surfacing. But I didn't, so these shots will have to do.

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