I went for a short hike up Little Si this morning. The weather's great, and I'm feeling fat, so I figured it was about time I got some exercise. My plan is to do a hike a week for the foreseeable future, working my way from easy hikes like Little Si, to tougher hikes like Mailbox. The only problems were finding my way. First, I missed the trailhead and drove around North Bend a bit before finding it. Then on the way up, I came to a fork in the trail, and didn't quite believe the sign (which had been heavily defaced) showing the way. So I took the uphill route, thinking that would get me to the top. It went well for a while before I realized that I was in a long downhill stretch that didn't turn back up hill. So I carried on hoping that the side trail I was on would eventually get me back to the parking lot. It did, but not before I had a few moments of fear thinking that I'd end up on the other side of the mountain and have to either go around the mountain or back the way I came.
Next stop: REI, to get a hiking guide complete with trail maps.
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