Monday, April 27, 2009

Weird Plot Twists

I went and saw State of Play yesterday. It was a pretty good movie, with Russell Crowe playing the crusty aging newspaper reporter whose sidekick is played by Rachel Adams, a cute 20-something blogger on the internet edition of the same paper, both of whom come together while investigating seemingly unrelated crimes. The common thread of the crime is the involvement of Ben Affleck, a rising young congressman who was Crowe's character's roommate in college.  It is a well-made mystery thriller that held me engrossed and well-entertained until the final plot twist eluded me.  I left the theater with Megan (the daughter) and her friend Marian, and I was quite relieved to find out that they were both somewhat bewildered as well.  I thought for a while I'd totally lost the meaning of the story in a senior moment. So if you go see it, beware. Pay attention near the end, and if you get it, let me know.

Yesterday I finished reading Three Cups of Tea.  This is an amazing book about the adventures of Greg Mortenson, a mountain climber turned philanthropist who, since in 1994, and starting with absolutely nothing, has built dozens of schools in remote villages in Northern Pakistan and Afghanistan. I can heartily recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a true story of adventure and passion.  And no, there are no weird plot twists to be found. 

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