Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Quit

Well, after three weeks on the job as an ESL assistant instructor at a local refugee center, I quit. That doesn't mean I've given up on that line of work; it just means I'll do it elsewhere. My experience at this refugee center was a bit of a disappointment, to say the least. In a previous post, I described my first day on the job.  It didn't get any better as time went on. I had hoped that the classes would have a bit more structure, and that I would have a better defined role. I had hoped that I would meet with the instructor before class, going over what we wanted to accomplish that day, and what my role would be that day. I had hoped that I would become part of the team helping our "customers" and developing a bond with the staff. I was hoping that I could learn some good teaching techniques and build on the things I learned in Oxford TESL Seminar. None of those things ever happened. Our "customers" are enthusiastic and willing to learn, but I think the program there is letting them down.

So in the end, I decided I wasn't doing them or me any good, so I quit. 

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