Thursday, July 5, 2007

HE'BREW The Chosen Beer

Right now I'm sipping on a Genesis Ale, a kosher beer made the Schmalz Brewing Company. It's pretty good! And no, I'm not making this up. Any beer with a name like this can't be all bad, but it does remind me of the beer my friend John used to brew. As I recall he printed up labels for his Barleyfartz Beer, Brewed with the Finest Tap water, Fit for Neither Man nor Beast.

For July 3rd, I took WaveGuide up to Poulsbo to watch the fireworks with a bunch of SSYC folks. The picture on the left is of our noble Raftmaster Hal diving the chilly waters of Liberty Bay in an attempt to unfoul his anchor line from his prop. If you click on the image to enlarge it, you can see that Hal is starting to turn a little blue, which is about as close to that liberal tinge as he'll ever get! (Note to my Canadian readers... Unlike Canada where blue is conservative and red is liberal, the American political colors are reversed. Hal's politics are a little to the right of Attila the Hun, but for some odd reason, we get along well anyway) We were rafted up close to the fireworks barge, too close as it turned out. My poor boat was covered with fireworks debris that took a couple of hours of hosing and scrubbing to remove. But that was OK too. WaveGuide needed a good scrubbing, especially since there are a couple of potential buyers who want to look at her this week.

Then on the 4th, I went to Lake Union to watch the fireworks there. There were literally thousands of boats on the water, most with drunken skippers and crew. It never ceases to amaze me that given all the alcohol, sun and water there aren't more casualties. I didn't hear of anything worse that a sunburn.

The weather here is great! I think I'll take advantage of it and take my boat up to the San Juans next week, and then the following week, I'll probably take it up to Vancouver to to get my passport. I've been in contact with the Hanse sailboat dealer up there, and he has a couple of clients who might be interested in becoming the first Canadian owners of a San Juan 38. They can take a look at the boat, I can take a Hanse 400 for a test run, and a good time will be had by all. The following week is Race Week at Whidbey Island. I'll be racing up there on Mike Sinclair's boat Surt and using my boat as a hotel. It should all be great fun! I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

rita said...

Can I reserve the room with a view on your floating hotel at Whidbey??? Sounds like you will be busier than me these next few weeks...