Friday, March 6, 2009

Killing Zombies

Many of you have admired the pictures I posted last Sunday, but have wondered what they're all about. Well, the short answer is 'I dunno,' but it sure was fun.

Here's what I do know. Anthony, an old (actually quite young) acquaintance from my UW Spring in Vienna days is producing an online graphic novel called Night Zero using photographs rather than drawings. (A graphic novel is a comic book to us old-school folks) The video game Left 4 Dead inspired him and his crew to do a series of photos based on the video game. One of the characters is a tough and gruff Vietnam-era vet named Bill. When casting the shoot, all of these 20-somethings had a hard time coming up with someone to portray Bill until Anthony thought of me. Even though we hadn't been in contact for a couple of years, he found me and asked if I wanted to participate. I figured, sure, why not? So I spent most of last Saturday with the cast and crew in a warehouse in Ballard. It was great fun!

I don't know exactly how they get the effects on the photos. Each scene is shot in RAW format with a burst of three high resolution photos. Somehow the three shots are recombined to give the effect you see. I think they look great!

I don't know what Anthony and his team plan to do with the photos. Maybe a graphic novel short story? Maybe it's the beginning of something more.

In the meantime, I'm waiting for a deal on action figures based on my character. And my agent tells me that there could be a demand for characters like me, now that Nick Nolte is getting too old for action films.

If any of you know of a demand for my talents, have your people call my people.

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