Here's the Dukovac clan complete with the newest members, Alvin and Devin.

They clean up pretty well, don't they?

It was a gorgeous day, and everyone was quite comfortable.

The Friesen clan in a rare shot without food in our mouths or closed eyes. And no, those are my keys in my pocket.

A final shot of the Dukovac/Friesen tribes, minus Devin (I think she was spending some time with her old family). If I was better at Photoshop, I'd put her in the picture, but I think I'll leave that to someone more skilled.
It was good to see Pete's family again. I last saw John and Yoli in Vancouver a few years ago, but I hadn't seen Emil and Monique for something like thirty years. And I'd never before met Nada and Jim. Good people, all.
As usual, Marian and Pete were gracious hosts, serving up prodigious amounts of food and drink. We all had a great time celebrating a happy family event!
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