Monday, April 30, 2007
Food and Music
Thursday, April 26, 2007
3535 miles later
It's interesting to note that since we hit West Texas, whenever we've asked how far it is to some location, everyone answers in terms of time rather than miles. Even today, near Baton Rouge, Hal specifically asked a local how many miles it was to New Orleans, the person replied, "45 minutes to an hour, depending on how fast you drive."
First impressions of New Orleans are better than I expected. Last February when I drove through here in my car (with my broken ankle), blue tarps covering roofs were everywhere along I10. Today, I didn't see any. I'll do a lot more exploring before I'm out of here, and will report back, complete with photos.
We went out for dinner tonight at the Parkway Bakery and Tavern. We had poorboys and a couple of beer, and were entertained by an all-girls brass band. Great place! Later tonight, we'll go see Walter Wolfman Washington at the Banks Tavern (which fortunately is walking distance from where we're staying). Any "Walter" can't be all bad, and besides, all Walters are at least honorary members of the Walternative Universe.
Tomorrow the Jazz Fest starts. My only must-see tomorrow is Van Morrison. He'll be competing against Lucinda Williams on another stage, but I've seen Lucinda several times, and have never seen Van Morrison.
Stay tuned for more food, music, and venue reviews. I'll also do some exploring and report back on the state of New Orleans.
Next Stop New Orleans
It turned out that the problem on my bike wasn't too serious. A wire had come off the alternator, and re-attachment was all that was required. It just took the master BMW mechanic (and two MU) to find it. Hal is still way ahead in the MU's spent race, so I guess BMW still has bragging rights over Triumph. After a Houston-wide search, Hal finally found the right chain master link, so his issues are cured as well.
Next stop, New Orleans.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Bikeless in Houston
Sunday, April 22, 2007

This picture of an 80' Jesus, taken by my daughter Caroline, won the grand prize in The Budget Traveler magazine contest. She took it at an amusement park outside of Buenos Aires last summer. Apparently every hour, Jesus would rise into the heavens, but there was a sign that said something like, "Jesus will not be rising today due to high winds." Caroline wrote up a short blub to accompany the photo (which she didn't send to me, so I've probably screwed up the story somewhat), sent it off last fall, and promptly forgot about it. She was notified a couple of days ago that hers was the grand prize winner. And the prize all expense paid trip for two to Singapore!!!! Way to go Caroline!!!
I've lost all BMW v. Triumph bragging rights. My battery died today, and I either have a battery or electrical system issue. So there's me with my bike in a state that I'm more used to seeing Hal's in. Of course there are no BMW dealers open in Austin until Tuesday. I did find a battery shop to charge and test my battery. I'll find out tomorrow if it's just the battery, or whether something more serious is wrong. They do have a new battery, for a mere 1.3MU. (MU are $100, BU are $1000) So with some luck, I'll pop in a new battery and be on our way tomorrow. If not, I guess I'll have an unscheduled layover in Austin until the BMW deakership opens and gets me in for service.
I do have to give some major kudos to Datri and Chalo for the use of their place in their absence, with special thanks to Vivian and Connie for setting up our beds and welcoming us like old friends yesterday. They've all gone way above and beyond any call of duty. I hope that someday I'll be able to reciprocate in Seattle.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Big Spring, Texas
Tomorrow we'll be in Austin and will probably stay there for a couple of days before heading to Houston to visit Ben. Then we'll be off to New Orleans. From here on in, the days on the bikes should be relatively short, no more than around 300 miles on any one leg.
We must be in the South. I heard my first live y'all today. The first of many, I'm sure.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
El Paso
Today was a pretty good day. We left Tom’s place about 9 or 9:30, and got to El Paso around 7. We had the wind at our backs most of the way, and the skies were clear all the way. As I promised myself, I did play Kinky Friedman’s hit song, Asshole from El Paso after we arrived
There sure is a lot of nothing in southern Arizona and New Mexico, so it was a bit boring at times. But then again, one of the beauties of riding is being alone with your thoughts, and becoming one with the bike, the wind, and the road. (If you don’t believe me, read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert Persig. It’s a must for all sensitive new-age guys like me.)
It is good to be alone with my thoughts, with no music or conversation to distract me. Sometimes it is almost possible to achieve a semi Zen-like state where the miles just fly by. Other times, I just think random thoughts and let them go where they lead. For example, today I was thinking about opera and one of my all-time favorite songs, Dom Epais, from the opera Lakme. Like most operas, this one has a rather convoluted plot that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It is set in French Colonial India (I didn’t know there was a French colonial India either until I saw this opera), and is a cross between Romeo and Juliet and Love Story. A French officer falls in love with the beautiful daughter of a powerful Brahim, but it’s a hopeless affair. To make a long story short, the officer is wounded in battle against her father and is lying dying when his lover finds him. She becomes distraught at the sight of him, and starts tearing at her hair and her sari in her anguish. He becomes conscious while she is doing this, and tells her to stop ripping her clothes and not be so sad. She sees what she’s done to herself and her clothes, and is embarrassed and doesn’t want the officer to think badly of her. She apologizes and straightens her hair and sari as best she can and tells him that she’ll repair the sari as soon as she can. He tells her not to worry about her sari, and then dies in her arms. Then, with him still in her arms, the sari magically repairs itself and is better than new. The point of the story is that “love means never to have to sew your sari.”
Yes folks, I made most of that up, all by myself.
I tried to figure out a way to link both Dom Epais and Asshole from El Paso from my computer to this post so that you all could enjoy both songs, but I don't think it's possible. You'll just have to use your imagination.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tom's Place
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Croatian Capital of the USA?
The picture of the plant has some history. The plant is older than Hal is, and Joan moved here, the plant outgrew its pot, so she planted it in the common ground at her apartment complex. It's doing just fine. Another transplant from New Jersey.
Next stop Scottsdale, for some quality time with Tom and Joe.
San Pedro
I'll try and post more later today, complete with photos and amusing anecdotes.
Friday, April 13, 2007
A Day Late and a Dollar Short
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
One more thing
Tip of the hat to John for the link.
Good News, Bad News
The bad news is that WaveGuide isn't ready. The seals have been replaced, but there is a water pressure issue, most likely the raw water impeller. So I won't get her back until I get back from New Orleans in mid-May.
The good news from the bad news is that I'll have a bit more time to do the million things I have to do before I leave tomorrow.
Look for my next post in a few days, likely from California somewhere.
Monday, April 9, 2007
World Champions?
Rita is awarded bonus points for correctly identifying curling as the sport in question. Lets hear it for Rita!!!
In case the rest of you haven't heard yet, Canada defeated Germay to win the World Curling Championship! The big bad boys from the USA came in third.
Another thing I couldn't find in the major media this morning is the fact that six, yes SIX Canadians were killed by an IED in Afghanistan yesterday. The mess in Iraq is overshadowing the fact that there is another bloody mess not far away, and it's not only Americans who are dying. (Of course the lives of Iraqis and Afghanis don't count)
Today will consist of lots of windshield time with coffee and sunflower seeds. I should be in Seattle tonight.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
World Championships
Special bonus points will be awarded to any of you who correctly identify the sport. Stay tuned for updates, and maybe even some photos!
Friday, April 6, 2007
I made it
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Betrayed - Iraqis who trusted America the most
It's a very personal and heart-breaking story of several Iraqi interpreters who worked for US forces for the last several years. It will make you ashamed to be an American, or if your not an American, ashamed for Americans. It's a long article, but it's well worth the read.
Monday, April 2, 2007
On the Hard
The other shots are of WaveGuide "on the hard." I felt a bit sorry for her. She doesn't look nearly so glamorous out of the water. For all the men reading this, you could think of her as a
The last shot is of the offending seal. It's supposed to have a couple of water lines attached to it, but both of them have been broken off. The whole shaft will have to be removed, and a new seal installed.
The initial prognosis is good. It appears that there is no malignancy, and that after some basic surgery and a couple of thousand dollars, she'll be as good as new. I'll know more tomorrow after the test results are in. I'll keep you posted.
Whale Watching in Langley
Unfortunately, the trip was not without adventure. When I left the marina yesterday morning, I heard the sound of something flapping in my starboard side engine compartment. I thought it might have been a fender line or something, but when I opened the engine compartment, I saw water accumulating in a rather alarming fashion. The propshaft seal (which doesn't normally rotate) had seized around the shaft. As it spun with the propshaft, it broke off the water hoses that kept the shaft lubed. I limped back into Langley, and with Gary's help managed to get the broken hoses plugged. Gary also was kind enough to stay close on the trip back, just in case I had further difficulties.
So, my mission for this morning is to arrange for repairs, which unfortunately won't be cheap. I have to get WaveGuide hauled out of the water to pull the shaft to replace the seal. Oh well, boating is not for the faint of heart or faint of wallet!