Monday, April 9, 2007

World Champions?

I looked in the New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Seattle Times this morning for their front page coverage of the world championship I watched live and in-person yesterday. Imagine my dismay when I couldn't find any stories at all!!! Well for all you news-starved sports addicts out, here's a link I will forward this link to the sports desks of these otherwise fine publications.

Rita is awarded bonus points for correctly identifying curling as the sport in question. Lets hear it for Rita!!!

In case the rest of you haven't heard yet, Canada defeated Germay to win the World Curling Championship! The big bad boys from the USA came in third.

Another thing I couldn't find in the major media this morning is the fact that six, yes SIX Canadians were killed by an IED in Afghanistan yesterday. The mess in Iraq is overshadowing the fact that there is another bloody mess not far away, and it's not only Americans who are dying. (Of course the lives of Iraqis and Afghanis don't count)

Today will consist of lots of windshield time with coffee and sunflower seeds. I should be in Seattle tonight.

1 comment:

rita said...


Or whatever...always like winning points....they don't come as easily as in the younger days....but I will never give up the challenge....

Hopefully you are well on your way southeast...I will be racing the w/e away on Rubicon....Erika is leaving Sat. afternoon...a short break from was good to see her and shop together...a teenager's favorite thing to do...

stay safe on the road Walter & Hale...
