Here's Bob, Phyllis, and me. The intrepid crew of Gaia.
Here are some of the 178 boats that were supposed to have started the race, and some of the boats at Turtle Bay, our first stop.
I did like the ingenuity of the Mexicans, making a speed bump out of some old rope! Speaking of ingenuity, I earned a big attaboy from Bob (which I think just about wiped out all the awshits) for coming up with a fix for the water leak that sprung from out from a pinhole in his exhaust casting. I suggested drilling out the pinhole and installing a screw to seal the leak. It worked perfectly!
Here is some of the surf at Bahia Santa Maria, our second stop. The surf got big, it got dark, and 78 stragglers from the party (including yours truly) ended up spending the night ashore when the pangas (the local water taxis) quit running.
Fortunately, we had lots of food and beer to help us survive the night.
Here we are, approaching Cabo. Whew, we made it!!
In San Diego, I was amazed by the striking likeness to our Noble Leader keeping watch atop a restaurant. It was reassuring to know he was looking out for us.
The J-School was great! We sailed on a J-80, a light and fast 25' boat. We spent a day on basic sailing skills, one day on upwind techniques, one day on downwind, one day on starts, and one day doing whatever we wanted.
Mom and Marian are coming to visit this weekend, but other than that, nothing special is planned for a while. I may even have a chance to finish blogging on the book of Matthew, or have an occasional political rant. We'll see.
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