Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm Alive

Barely. After an hour of working out with my personal trainer (I had ordered a sweet young thing with perky boobs and a too-tight halter top, but I got a 30-something kick-boxer named Cliff instead), I wasn't so sure. The way the workout started out, I thought today would be relatively easy. He took some flexiblity measurements, and had me walk for three minutes on a treadmill. He showed me around the club a bit, and then took me into what could have been a room out of the Spanish Inquisition (or Guantanamo). The room was filled with various pieces of equipment that could have been racks and slanted benches that could have been used for waterboarding. He took me around to each piece of equipment, each of which was used to work on a different set of muscles. He showed me how to use the equipment, and then when I was in position, he had me do whatever particular exercise the equipment was designed for. He increased the weights until I reached my limit, which he called the "one rep max." He would then take 70% of that weight, and I would do 15 more reps. After every 2 or 3 machines, when my muscles were burning, he would put me on the treadmill to do a little "cardio." Then it was back to the machines. My proudest moment (well OK, my only proud moment) came when I maxed out the squat machine at 400#. Us Friesens' must have tough legs! My PT was somewhat amazed, saying the most he himself had ever done was 320#. The last three minutes on the treadmill damn near killed me. I expect to be quite sore tomorrow, but will probably recover in time for my next workout on Thursday.

I got some good news in the mail today. My Immigration interview has been set for Feb. 4th. I'm not sure if I take the citizenship test at the same time or whether that comes at a later date. I'll have to dig around in the paperwork I have to see what's involved. The letter says the procedure will take two hours, so I hope it's more than just the interview. I'd like to get it all over and done with at one time. Then I'll have my citizenship and won't have to deal with that insane bureaucracy ever again.

On Sunday I went to see Atonement, not The Golden Compass as originally planned. I liked the movie, even though it was anything but uplifting. Some would call it depressing. It was a story of love, betrayal, lost love, and eventually atonement. Had I seen it on DVD at home, it would have passed the Friesen Horizontal Viewing Test. In other words, it kept my interest, and would have kept me awake even if I was lying on the couch while watching it. That's worth at least three stars in my book.

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