Monday, February 11, 2008


Today's the big day! At 2PM today, I'll participate in the oath of citizenship ceremony along with who knows how many of the world's tired and huddled masses, yearning to be free. Today's a good day to post the cartoon from the New Yorker that started it all over a year ago. Somehow it seemed as if that cartoon was written for me. Politics for me has always been a spectator sport, but after today I'll be able to get in the trenches myself.

This week will be a busy week. I've changed my travel plans, and now will leave this Friday for a week of skiing in the wilds of Romania, followed by a more civilized week of culture in Budapest and the surrounding area. Before I leave I have to buy and borrow some skiing equipment, and do the usual things like paying bills, stopping the mail, doing the laundry, and packing. But along with the mundane things, SSYC is hosting their annual Valentine's Dance tonight, and Hal's having a birthday party on Wednesday. This busy week promises to be a fun week as well!

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