Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just call me Admiral!

As many of you know, I like sailing, and I like sailing fast. I've had my beautiful power boat WaveGuide up for sale for more than two years now with the plan of buying a sailboat as soon as WaveGuide sells. But the economy being what it is, it's a buyer's market out there. So what did I just do? I joined the buyer's side, and snapped up not one, but two two Hobie Cat 16's, bringing my boat ownership up to three (four if you count the dinghy on WaveGuide). So with a fleet that size, you can call me Admiral!

Yesterday Megan and I delivered them up to the Cabin in the Woods. As I've noted before, the CITW is also near a couple of lakes, and what better way to enjoy those lakes than to go sailing? Here's a shot of the catamarans (there are two on the trailer) just before tucking them into my garage.

I bought the two Hobie 16's and a trailer on Craig's List last week. They looked like a pretty good deal. One is complete and more or less ready to go with lots of new rigging, while the other is disassembled, but all the parts (some new, some used) are there. I'll put them together, and we'll have some racing on Fish Lake!

Who knows? We could soon become YouTube stars!

It's more likely I'll end up in this kind of video.

1 comment:

barney said...

Admiral...looks exciting...your brother-in-law and your sister think that a nice 16 foot fishing boat would be a nice complement to your fleet....