Monday, March 29, 2010

Langley Whale Watching

Farley and I and Megan the Elder took WaveGuide up to Langley this weekend to watch the California Gray Whales who are on their annual migration from Mexico up to Alaska. Apparently the big detour they take into the Puget Sound is worth their while because of the sand shrimp or something that they find in the area around Langley. If you want more information, look it up. Do you think I'm a whaleologist or something?

In any case, the weather on Saturday was decent, and the whales even cooperated! Eat your heart out Marian!

This guy got so close to the boat and came up so quickly that I didn't have a chance to unzoom my camera.

We did see one guy who looked like he (she?) was auditioning for an insurance commercial or something. He came way out of the water, straight up, looked around and flopped back down. Of course I wasn't quick enough with my camera to catch it, but it was cool, very cool!

I hadn't had my boat out for over a month, so it was good to stretch its sea legs. All was well, no problems, and a good time was had by all.

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