Check out the Army of God story here, and check out their website here.
And then every liberal's favorite conservative David Brooks writes this:
"About 40 years ago, a social movement arose to destroy the establishment. The people we loosely call the New Left wanted to take on The Man, return power to the people, upend the elites and lead a revolution.
Today, another social movement has arisen. The people we loosely call the Tea Partiers also want to destroy the establishment. They also want to take on The Man, return power to the people, upend the elites and lead a revolution."To equate the counter-cultural movement of the 60's with the Tea Partiers is the height of intellectual dishonesty. As I recall, the protest movement of the 60's was ignited by the core concerns of an unjust war and civil rights. The war eventually ended and civil rights, both for blacks and women took a huge leap forward. Sex and drugs and rock'n'roll were fringe benefits.
What unites the Tea Partiers? Taxes, loony conspiracy theories, and a racist-fundamentalist-nihilist-apocalyptic Christianity that smells a lot like the Taliban. And they all have guns.
It's hard to imagine anything good (or fun) emerging from it.
Ps. For the best-ever take down of David Brooks, read this piece by Matt Taibbi. Here's a taste:
I’m always afraid to write about David Brooks, because I worry that my attitude toward this guy is colored by certain strong feelings I have about his appearance — he just looks like a professional groveler/ass-kisser, and every time I see him in public I have to fight off visions of him home at night in his Versace jammies, feverishly jacking off with one hand while caressing in the other an official invitation to, say, a White House event, or a Harvard Club luncheon.
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