Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration

I'll be watching Obama's inauguration at my Mom's place. For as long as I can remember, Mom never expressed more than a passing interest in American politics, but from the beginning, she's taken an interest in Obama. She followed the campaign through the primaries and the election campaign, always rooting for him. She never cared that much for McCain, and I think that Sarah Palin really scared her a bit. But she really like Joe Biden (didn't I read somewhere that he really cleaned up on the older woman demographic?).

Even though my Mom is deeply religious, Bush's brand of bloodthirsty evangelicalism never resonated with her. Mom is more of the love-thy-neighbor, turn-the-other-cheek, love-thine-enemy type of Christian. She's from a Canadian generation that had nothing to do with the civil rights struggles and racism of the USA, but also never had any contact with any blacks. I think in her mind, blacks were a bit exotic, a bit strange, maybe even a bit scary. I think it's remarkable that Obama has captured her imagination and trust and support like no other presidential candidate ever has.

We'll both be happy at noon today when Bush is history, and Obama's time has come.

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