Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Clinton v. Obama

Well, it looks like Clinton has bragging rights after winning 3 of 4 primaries last night. By most counts, the delegate count won't change much, but that won't stop Clinton from crowing about her comeback. I must admit a bit of grudging admiration for Clinton's ability to hang on in the face of an opponent like Obama, and if she wins the nomination fair and square, she'll get my vote. If she pulls some dirty tricks like trying to seat the Michigan and Florida delegates, I'll revert to my ABC (Anybody But Clinton) status and vote for Nader.

One thing that I haven't heard anything about is what happens to Edwards' delegates. He must have several hundred, but they don't appear in any delegate count I've seen. Do they get to vote their conscience, or can Edwards pledge them? I don't know.

I also wonder how effective the Limbaugh strategy has been. Even though I can barely stand the sound of his voice, I listen to him once in a while just to see what the whacko fringe is up to. He is openly advocating that conservatives vote for Clinton in the Democratic primaries on the theory that the race will tear the Democrats apart, and besides, since half the people in the US already hate Hillary, she'll be a lot easier to beat in the general election.

And then there's the Canadian component to last night's vote. It's not often one hears anything about Canada in US news, but the news that an Obama rep met with a Canadian official in Chicago and basically told him that Obama was just kidding about NAFTA, certainly didn't help him. I doubt that Harper had anything to do with leaking the memo, but it's an interesting twist nonetheless.

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