Every year I am amazed at how quickly and uniformly the cherry (or plum or whatever they are) trees bloom around here. One day, nothing; the next the trees are full of blossoms. It seems to happen overnight. I love the tree in my neighbor's backyard that hangs over the hot tub in my tiny backyard even though it makes a hell of a mess when the blossoms fall off.

It was a gray, gloomy and wet day yesterday when I set out on my boat for the afternoon. I hadn't had WaveGuide out for almost two full months, so it was about time to get on the water. Maureen, Peggy, Craig, and Adrienne joined me and Farley for a cruise around Bainbridge Island and then a raft-up with Jim and his crew at Port Madison. The sun even cooperated and came out not long after we got there, allowing us to hang out on the deck of WaveGuide. The bad news was that the wind came out along with the sun, but more on that later.

This was Farley's first time on the water, and he seemed to do quite well. Here he is checking out a seagull at close range. Having been born in Saskatoon, you might say he started out as a prairie dog, but I'll make a sea dog out of him before long.

As I said earlier, the wind came up, resulting in a wild ride home. The wind was 30+ knots coming out of the southwest. The first half of the trip across the sound wasn't too bad, but for the second half, we lost whatever shelter we were getting from Bainbridge Island and took the full force of the wind and water on my starboard quarter. I even had to slow down to about 8 knots for comfort's sake.
Jim must have had a wild ride sailing or motoring back. Either way, it would have taken him twice as long as it took me, and not having my enclosed cabin, it must have been a lot less comfortable.
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