And now.... some breaking news.... Farley the Whoodle will soon be joining the Friesen household!

Can you pick him out of the lineup?

Well neither can I, but here he is in all his glory!
I'll be leaving dark and early tomorrow AM to drive to Edmonton, and then on to Saskatoon to pick him up. I'll be taking my Mom to Saskatoon with me. We'll stay for a couple of days; visit some long-lost (to me) relatives; pick up Farley, and buy some of my favorite Mennonite sausage before heading back to Edmonton on Saturday. If the roads are good and all goes according to plan, I should be back here in Seattle with my wiggly bundle of joy late Sunday night.
It can't have been four years ago Uncle Wal, I've only been here for three & a half*grin*
Looking forward to a return visit...after you've hiked Kilimanjaro that is! Enjoy the farmers' sausage...mmmm.
Can't wait to meet Farley! Good adventure on your trip..good thing that spring is in the air...and see if you can smuggle some of those sausages into the states for us to try!
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