Saturday, May 5, 2007

And the Deluge Came

The rains came yesterday morning and flooded most of the fairgrounds. Even the inside of the Blues tent was flooded in ankle deep water. When the rains hit, I took refuge with The Lord in the Gospel Tent. It was nice and dry, and the music was great, but once again, the seed fell on stoney ground, and I walked out as unbelieving as ever. The rain was good in that all but the hardiest muswic lovers left, and when the skies cleared in the afternoon, there was actually space to move around the major venues. The Acura mainstage closed off with ZZ Top. It was a lot of fun.
Last night we went to a local block party, the like of which I've never seen. They had a beer wagon, 2000 pounds of crawfish, and live bands playing. Hundreds of people showed up. And it's all FREE! I heard it's an annual tradition in the neighborhood during Jazz Fest. The cloudy-looking picture is about 50 pounds of crawfish just after it was dumped on the "eating" table. The other picture is of the same table about 20 minutes later. I think I may have found my true calling. As a professional crawfish eater! Having never eaten these things before, it does take a bit of practice and technique. I think some of my sunflower seed eating skills were transferrable, and before you knew it, I was eating with the best of the locals. The technique in a nutshell is this: twist off the tail while pushing the tail into the body; crush the head while sucking out its juices; then gently grab the bit of exposed tail with your teeth and pull gently while squeezing the tail like a tube of toothpaste. Then repeat until all the crawfish are gone!
There's no one that's really on my must-see list today. The closest to a must-see are the Allman Brothers. I love their music, but I've seen them live before and wasn't impressed. The music that I like best of theirs is very sweet and melodic, e.g., Melissa, and isn't well suited to be played at a zillion dB. I'll go anyway. You never know, I might find the group of my dreams that I've never heard of.

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