Saturday, May 19, 2007

Weird Bier

As most of you know, I have a love for beer, and will drink and have drunk beer of almost any kind, anywhere. I've drunk ales, lagers, pilsners, porters, stouts, lambics, and even a malty, yeasty pseudo beer called Shake Shake in Lusaka. That's me grimacing and Marian enjoying my discomfort as I sample the gritty brew.

When I was in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago, I had a beer of a type I'd never heard of, a beer from Bamberg, Germany, called rauchbier. Literally, smoke beer. The waitress told me it tasted like drinking bacon, and she wasn't far off. I asked if she had hash browns and egg beer to go along with it. It was interesting stuff, but nothing that you'd want to drink too much of. Anyway, all those memories came back when I read this article about specialty beers in Germany.
It might be time for another trip to Germany soon.

1 comment:

rita said...

Sign me up..on that trip to Germany of course!...I got some relatives there that can probably easily drink you under the table!!!