Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Barack the Elitist v. Hillary the Douche Bag

Or is it douchebag? However you spell it, this whole scandal over Barack's remarks about guns and god makes me crazy. It shows the shallowness and herd mentality of today's media and the shallowness of Hillary's win-at-any-cost, scorched earth ambition. She wants to win, and if she doesn't she'll make damn sure no other Democrat does. She'd rather have McCain win in 2008 so that she can do this all over again in 2012. It makes me crazy that every talking head and every cable news program is focused on whether or not Barack really is an elitist. I don't think there's nearly enough talk of Hillary's role in all this. What Barack said about working class, small town and rural whites, though inelegantly stated, is essentially true. Books have been written about this phenomenon, and the right has exploited these people for years. Instead of agreeing with Obama and using this to attack the Republicans, she's doing Rove's work by excoriating him with her relentless attacks. When she talks of learning to shoot with her grandfather and going to church, does anyone really believe her? When she was recently asked when the last time she shot a gun or went to church, she refused to answer saying it wasn't relevant to the debate. How can a woman who has lived the ultimate political life in nothing but mansions for the last 25 years and, with her husband, made $110M since leaving the White House, claim she's in touch with the common man? The only thing she's in touch with is her own relentless ambition. I really hope this backfires on the bitch.

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