Monday, January 28, 2008

It's starting to pay off

I've been working out for about six weeks now, having had a dozen sessions with Cliff the Personal Trainer. I've had a couple of 90-minute aerobic/weight training/core strength group sessions. I've played racquetball twice, and will play again tomorrow. I've been walking a lot. I haven't had a drink in three weeks, and I haven't smoked (anything) in a month. So even though I just about puked and passed out in my aerobic/weight training/core strength group session today, I feel great! My knees and ankles are more flexible than they've been in years, and even with all the hiking and walking I've done in the last few days, I have virtually no stiffness or pain. And after having my weight go up a bit when I first started working out, I've now lost at least five pounds, and a bunch of inches. I'll keep this up until I go to Bucharest and Budapest, and assuming that I survive the attacks by the wild dogs and/or Mafia in Bucharest, I'll try and keep it up on my own when I get back.

This is all good. At least while the world goes to hell in hand basket (unless Obama is elected and saves us all), I'll be fit and trim.

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