Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Morning

As is usual for me on Sunday mornings, I watched three of the network talk shows. Giuliani was on Fox, John Kerry (?!) was on ABC, and Hillary was on NBC. Giuliani was unwatchable; whoever booked that pompous has-been Kerry should be fired, and Hillary was her usual scripted, lecturing, pompous, cackling self. As much as I viscerally dislike that woman, she is certainly formidable. There aren't many people who can walk all over Tim Russert, but she did just that. She was argumentative, shrill, and defensive, and she brow-beat him into submission. He let her talk endlessly, he let her turn questions around to her advantage and attacks on Obama, and he didn't challenge her on 35 years of experience. What experience, precisely, did she have in 35 years??? As First Lady, she royally screwed up her two major assignments, first by picking the "must be female" Attorney General, and then by setting back any chance of universal health care for at least 15 years with her ill-conceived plan. As senator from New York, she showed how she can work across the aisle by supporting a Flag-Burning Amendment!! This kind of experience we can do without.

I just hope that when I get to cast my first presidential vote this year, I don't have to hold my nose and vote for her. I'm not sure that I could.

Well, on to more pleasant things..... It's a gorgeous day here in Seattle, and I'm going to spend what promises to be a fabulous day on the water sailing with my friend Joe. If the sailing isn't too hectic, I may even snap a few pictures for future postings.

1 comment:

rita said...

Ahhh..I bet I missed a great day on the wind..but who would care on such a beautiful winter day here in Seattle...spent my time on a walk and taking down all the outside xmas lights...I could of worn was so pleasant outside...